Practice Transition Learning Center

Many Orthodontic Residents, Recent Orthodontic Graduates and Practicing Orthodontists are either unfamiliar or only slightly familiar with the orthodontic practice transition process prior to entering into negotiations. Worse than having no information is having incorrect or incomplete information. It is our opinion that the best transitions involve thoroughly educated parties, so to empower the orthodontic community, we created our Learning Center.

Learning Videos

Knowledge Base

Orthodontic Resources

Our Learning Center contains various study materials, learning videos, tips and analyses designed to educate orthodontists about concepts. There is even a special video Q&A section that covers 27 most commonly asked questions regarding Practice Transitions, which is the best introduction to the transition process.

  • Tax Allocation Categories & their Effects on Purchase Price
  • Contracts Receivable and their Relationship to Gross and Net income
  • Partnership Structure & Cash Flow Examples
  • Introduction Letters to Patients & Referrals
  • And Much More!